Genius Hour Presentations

Chloe's Genius Hour was a huge success.  We collected and donated a great deal.  The video below is her thank you to you all!

Brayam and Jacob created a puppet show for entertainment. Enjoy!

Chloe is hoping to help the homeless population of Columbia.  If you can help, please send any donation items to school during the month of January. Thank you! 

Tate's Presentation about Big Cats

Hunter's Fun Facts Presentation

Vishva's Dinosaur Presentation

Kevin's Cat Facts

Riddick shared his Flipagram about panthers. 
We learned a great deal about these amazing animals.

Charlie presented his research about the human body. He was a fabulous presenter and did a great job answering questions. Check out his slideshow by clicking on the link below. 

Hayden chose the topic of Minecraft for his genius hour project. He researched the creation, number of players, and various modes/features of the game.

Anthony taught us about tornadoes.  He is passionate about the topic and is an expert.  Check out his video to learn about his personal experience and vast amounts of information about tornadoes. 

Brayam wrote a book about how televisions work. He read sections of the book to the class and added it to our classroom library.  Way to go, Brayam!

Jamonyea researched cancer and shared her information in a video slideshow. He cousin Bryson lost his life to cancer and she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and fighting for a cure! 

 Max researched and created a poster to inform us about HaloLens.  These lenses allow video games and other virtual reality experiences to come to life.  He was able to speak intelligently about the topic and answered numerous fourth grade questions. 

Check out Taniyah's Website to learn about Gabby Douglas.

Taylor shared a poster she created with facts about fossils.  She also brought fossils for us to observe and touch. 

Sarai's Genius Hour Presentation included a video, model, poster, and so much more. 

Jacob shared his research about happiness. He shared how positive thinking can impact our brain chemistry. He also provided us tips on how to live a happier life. His book will be available in our classroom library. 

What is genius hour? 
Check out this video to learn more...